Friday, August 29, 2014

Thank you Church! Focus on our mission field!


 I want to thank you for being the kind of church that isn't wrapped up in issues like Mark Driscoll or the 700 Club. We have enough burden to carry dealing with our own community.

 I'm glad no one is asking me my opinion because I don't know enough about what's going on to have anything useful to add I don't really feel the need to learn enough about this issue to form a useful word.

Dave Jackson visited us a few months ago and he said this: "I asked God to break my heart from everything that breaks His heart, and God made it clear to me.. Dave, If I did that you'd be a worthless pile of goo broken beyond repair. I will break your heart for what I'm equipping you to handle. That's enough."

That was brilliant. We don't need to be adopting other peoples issues and starting fires of drama. God has given us so much to do to make disciples and reach the lost in our areas of influence that is where we can focus.

I love you church!

Pastor Mike

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